Sidecars and other weirdness

 FJ1200 I like Trains Tracy


Why Ride a sidecar you may be asking yourselves, gotta be a loon ? Well there is that but as many of you know circumstances dictate many things in life and with children this was my the reason. Couldn't afford a trike and you can't go to rallies in a car and the Maroon monster came up at the right price in lots of bits just how I like 'em. A week later we had converted the pile of bits into what you see here. Its a barrel of laughs to ride but after riding through one hedge and several near misses with stationary and moving objects we fitted a steering damper and finally got it set up to handle ( N.B Handling is a relative term here). We've been to France, Belguim and Germany plus numerous rallies in the UK over the four years we've owned it and I haven't got bored yet although I have found a few interesting things to do with it. (see pictures below).


This was a picticularly mad idea I had when the lady next door said she wanted to get rid of her old caravan. So we modified an old tow hitch lying about in the garage fitted to the chair and this was the result.



On the MoveSee it goes but the stopping leaves a bit to be desired, need to make some modifications to the braking system over the winter period and also lose some weight (not me!) off caravan.




After the Caravan I found a train carriage at a show and the chap there was mad enough to let me have a go!

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